Treating and teaching is FREE

Across the Globe, We Are United in Our Dedication to Children’s Rights

Who We Are

Partnering to build a world where all children.

Nehemiah Autism Center has a license from the Charities and Societies Agency, which is a concerned governmental office and has rented a house to receive autistic children. We started work on Jun 16, 2011, after we got our license on 31 August 31, 2010. At the moment we are giving training and treating Autistic children in our center. Our NGO is a non-profit and a non-governmental organization.

Our center will not charge a fee for treating these children. Out of all the children we accepted, 60% of the autistic children are from poor families. We only accept contributions from parents willingly.
We also provide transportation free of charge for those families who can’t afford to send their autistic children to the center due to the reason that it is difficult to use public transport for these kind of children.

About Us

Our story

We are a group of families with autistic children. We were unable to send our autistic child to a school or a center to train and teach our children due to a lack of space in the then-only available autistic center in Ethiopia. So our option was especially for mothers, to abandon our job and stay at home to look after our children with no hope insight. When one of the mothers, Rahel Abayneh, came with a vision to open another center for these kinds of children, we stand with her and managed to open this center. We are now trying to reach so many autistic children who are deprived of their rights to education and rehabilitation because of shortages of schools and society’s lack of awareness.

We first started with 6 autistic children. In those beginning days, due to lack of funds, the board members were forced to discuss the center sitting on the floor. We were in shortage of funds to pay salaries for the caregivers. Now praise be to God, we have 60 autistic children in our center and 30 caregivers to train the children.

Successful stories

We have some accomplishments in spite of the few years since we started our center.
We see lots of change in the autistic children we train. Like

  • Understanding what one says,
  • Able to eat independently
  • Capable of toileting and clothing,
  • Completing puzzles
  • Some children able to speak
  • Sending 26 children’s to regular school
  • Counseling and training parents
  • Supporting parents on IGA

We see hopes in the families with autistic children, especially mothers are now able to work and add income to the family.

Due to the awareness we created, we see understanding in more parts of society about autism. Consequently, stigma and discrimination are slowly decreasing.


— Our Mission

Nehemiah Center’s mission is to provide care, instruction and support for children with autism and related disabilities – promoting cognitive, emotional and relational growth through individualized programs while providing counseling and support to parents, especially mothers as they deal with these particularly difficult challenges; teaching the parents to become active participants in their child’s education and development; and finally, to raise public awareness of the nature and prevalence of Autistic Spectrum Disorders.


— Our Vision

Nehemiah Center aspires to see every ASD child is cared for, parents of ASD children are supported and awareness about autism is created in society.
